
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

15 May 2009

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Constitution of the Italian Republic (1947, last amended 2007)

Updated: June 2015

Article 48 states:

Any citizen, male or female, who has attained majority, is entitled to vote. The vote is personal and equal, free and secret. The exercise thereof is a civic duty…The right to vote cannot be restricted except for civil incapacity...


Article 86 states:

The functions of the President of the Republic, in all cases in which the President cannot perform them, shall be performed by the President of the Senate. In case of permanent incapacity or death or resignation of the President of the Republic, the President of the Chamber of Deputies shall call an election of a new President of the Republic within fifteen days, notwithstanding the longer term envisaged during dissolution of Parliament or in the three months preceding dissolution.


Article 126 states:

The Regional Council may be dissolved and the President of the Executive may be removed with a reasoned decree of the President of the Republic in the case of acts in contrast with the Constitution or grave violations of the law. The dissolution or removal may also be decided for reasons of national security. Such decree is adopted after consultation with a committee of Deputies and Senators for regional affairs which is set up in the manner established by a law of the Republic. The Regional Council may adopt a reasoned motion of no confidence against the President of the Executive that is undersigned by at least one-fifth of its members and adopted by roll call vote with an absolute majority of members. The motion may not be debated before three days have elapsed since its introduction. The adoption of a no confidence motion against a President of the Executive elected by universal and direct suffrage, and the removal, permanent inability, death or voluntary resignation of the President of the Executive entail the resignation of the Executive and the dissolution of the Council. The same effects are produced by the simultaneous resignation of the majority of the Council members.


Excerpts from the Constitution of the Italian Republic (1947, last amended 2007)