
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

15 August 2007

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Act on Election of Representatives to the Croatian Parliament (2003, last amended 2011)

Updated: June 2015

Article 71 states:

A voter who due to some physical handicap or illiteracy cannot vote independently, may come to the polling station with another person who is literate and who shall by his/her authorisation and according to his/her instruction encircle the ordinal number in front of the list name, or the name of the candidate for who the voter is casting his/her vote. A voter who is not able to come to the polling station, shall inform the Electors Committee of that fact. The president of the Committee shall determine at least two members of the electors committee or deputies, who will visit the voter and enable voting for him, taking into account the secrecy of the voting procedure. The president of the Electors Committee is obliged to register to the Electors Committee work minutes particular events like voting of voters with a physical handicap, illiterate voters, and voting outside the polling station by previous notice of voters.


Excerpt from the Act on Election of Representatives to the Croatian Parliament (2003, last amended 2011)