
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

30 November 2011

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 / 2012

Updated: June 2015

Article 157 states:

(1) The blind and other physically handicapped voters may be assisted by other persons upon their request when voting in TPS.

(2) The persons who assist voters in casting their votes as referred to in paragraph (1) shall keep the votes confidential…


Article 165 states:

(1) The blind and other physically handicapped voters may be assisted by other persons upon their request when voting in TPSLN.

(2) The persons who assist voters in casting their votes as referred to in paragraph (1) shall keep the votes confidential…

Excerpts from the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 on General Elections of the Members of the House of Representatives, People's Representative Council, and Regional House of Representatives (2012)