Total Population
Population with a disability
according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimateRatified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Section 55 states:
(1) Voters who on account of disability, poor health or similar are unable to walk into a polling station or voting booth or in any other way are unable to vote in the prescribed way, cf. section 54, may request the assistance needed to cast their vote, cf. however subsection (4). This may call for the necessary modifications of the prescribed procedure and may entail access to cast one’s vote immediately outside the polling station.
(2) Assistance in voting is rendered by two polling supervisors or appointed electors. Instead of one of the supervisors or appointed electors the voter can demand assistance in voting by a person of his/her own choice.
(3) A candidate standing for election to the local or regional council may not render assistance in voting as polling supervisor or appointed elector.
(4) Assistance to cross off a ballot paper may be rendered only when the voter is able to indicate direct and unambiguously to those rendering assistance the list of candidates or candidate for which he or she wants to vote.
Section 60 states:
1. Voters who are hospitalised may cast their votes in advance in the hospital.
2. Voters who reside or stay in the following types of housing or accommodation facilities may cast their votes in advance in the housing or accommodation facilities, etc.:
4. Voters who on account of illness or disability are unable to turn up at a polling station may vote in advance in their homes…
Section 67 states:
Voters who wish to cast their vote in advance must duly prove their identity to the vote receiver. The advance voting material will hence be issued, cf. section 66…
(4) If the voter is unable to fill in the ballot paper or to fill in and sign the covering letter, or if the voter requests other assistance with the advance voting process, the vote receiver(s) shall provide the requisite assistance, cf. however subsection (6). In addition to the vote receiver, or, in case of participation by more than one vote receiver, instead of one of these, the voter can demand assistance in voting by a person of his/her own choice. If such assistance has been rendered, it must appear from the covering letter.
(5) A candidate standing for election to the local or regional council may not render assistance in voting as a vote receiver.
(6) Assistance in filling in the ballot paper may be rendered only where the voter is able to indicate direct and unambiguously to the person providing the assistance for which list of candidates or candidate the voter wants to vote.
Article 49 states:
(1) Voters who on account of disability, poor health or for similar reasons are unable to walk into a polling station or voting booth or in any other way are unable to vote in the prescribed way, cf. section 48, may request the assistance needed to cast their vote, cf. however subsection (4). This may call for the necessary modifications of the prescribed procedure and may entail access to cast one’s vote immediately outside the polling station.
(2) Assistance in voting is rendered by two polling supervisors or appointed electors. Instead of one of the supervisors or appointed electors the voter can demand assistance in voting by a person of his/her own choice.
(3) A candidate standing for a party in the multimember constituency may not render assistance in voting as polling supervisor or appointed elector.
(4) Assistance to cross off the ballot paper may be rendered only when the voter is able to indicate direct and unambiguously to those rendering assistance the party or candidate for which he wants to vote.
Article 50 states:
(1) The polling supervisors may decide that in addition to the persons in charge of the voting procedure only voters who are about to vote may be allowed inside the polling station. The polling supervisors may also limit the number of persons present in the interest of public order. Polling supervisors shall ensure that voters are not subjected to electioneering in the voting premises or elsewhere in the immediate vicinity. Persons present shall in all respects comply with the instructions of the polling supervisors.
Article 53 states:
(1) Any voter who is prevented from attending the polls on election day may vote in advance at any national registration office in Denmark.
Article 54 states:
(1) Voters who are hospitalised may cast their votes in advance in the hospital.
(2) Voters who reside or stay in the following types of housing or accommodation facilities may cast their votes in advance in the housing or accommodation facilities:
(i) care homes and sheltered housing operated according to the rules of the Social Services Act
(ii) temporary accommodation facilities for adults provided according to the rules of the Social Services Act for women who have been the victims of violence, threats of violence or similar crisis in connection with family or matrimonial cohabitation relations;
(iii) temporary accommodation provided according to the rules of the Social Services Act for stays of a temporary nature or of longer duration for adults who on account of physical or mental impairment or particular social problems have special needs, and temporary accommodation for adults operated according to the pilot provisions of the said act. The local council may decide that advance voting in the temporary accommodation facilities stated shall take place according to the rules of subsection (4) regarding advance voting in the home instead;
(iv) places to stay outside their homes where, subject to the said act, the local authority offers individual assistance, care and attendance to persons who on account of temporary or permanent physical or mental impairment have special needs. The local council may decide that no advance voting shall take place in these places outside their own homes;
(v) social care dwellings comprised by the Social Housing etc. Act, care dwellings comprised by the Housing for Elderly and Disabled Persons Act, unsubsidised private care dwellings comprised by the Rent Act, and private care dwellings comprised by the Private Care Dwellings Act;
(vi) other social housing for the elderly comprised by the Social Housing etc. Act, other housing provided for the elderly comprised by the Housing for Elderly and Disabled Persons Act and communal shared housing arrangements, homes and dwellings for senior, sickly and infirm citizens comprised by the regulations laid down pursuant to the Housing Act and the Social Housing and Subsidised Housing Society Dwellings Act. The local council may decide that advance voting for these types of housing shall take place according to the rules of subsection (4) regarding advance voting in the home instead.
(3) Voters being detained in an institution under the Prison and Probation Service or in a goal may cast their advance vote in the institution.
(4) Voters who on account of illness or disability are unable to turn up at a polling station may vote in advance in their homes except where granted the opportunity of casting their vote in one of the institutions, housing or accommodation facilities specified in subsection (2). Requests for advance voting in the home must be submitted not later than by 1800 hours twelve days prior to Election Day. If twelve days prior to election day is a Saturday or a Sunday, the closing date for submitting a request to vote in advance in the home is prolonged to the first succeeding Monday at noon. Such request must be submitted to the national registration office of the municipality of residence.