Total Population
Population with a disability
according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate2025
Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Article 6, section 1 states:
Special lists shall be administered by local authorities, municipal authorities, metropolitan authorities, authorities of municipal districts or municipal sections of territorially subdivided statutory towns and municipal authorities of the City of Prague (hereinafter only “municipal authorities”) for all voters not having permanent address within their administration territory or unable to vote in the election districts in whose permanent lists they are registered, and…b) staying in a hospital, maternity home, sanatorium, social care institution or similar institution or facility located within the territory of a municipality, a district of the City of Prague or a municipal section of a territorially subdivided statutory town,…
Article 19 states:
(4) If a voter fails to establish his/her identity and citizenship of the Czech Republic, he/she shall not be permitted to vote. …
(6) No other personnel, including the members of the district election commission or special district election commission, may enter the section designated for the completion of ballot tickets with any voter. This provision does not apply to voters unable to complete their ballot tickets themselves due to disability or illiteracy. Such voters may be accompanied by another voter, excluding the members of the district election commission and special district election commission, who will complete their ballot ticket in accordance with their instructions and place it in an official envelope.
(7) Any voter may ask his/her local authority and – during the elections – also the relevant district election commission to be allowed to vote outside the polling station, at a place located in the area falling within the district election commission’s territorial competence, due to serious, above all health-related, reasons. In such a case, the district election commission concerned shall send two of its members equipped with a mobile ballot box, an official envelope and ballot tickets to the place chosen by the voter…
Article 19a, section 2 states:
After leaving the section designated for the completion of ballot tickets, each voter shall place the envelope containing his/her ballot ticket into a ballot box before the district election commission or special district election commission. If a voter is unable to place the envelope containing his/her ballot ticket into a ballot box, he/she may ask any other voter, except for the members of the district election commission and special district election commission, to do so on his/her behalf.