
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

16 November 2009

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Ley No. 26 del Regimen Electoral (2010)

Updated: June 2015

Article 158 states:

The first people to submit their vote will be the members of the jury, present in the moment, The rest of the individuals eligible to vote in the Bureau of Suffrage will make by order of arrival. Priority will be given for voting to pregnant people…people with special needs…


Excerpt from the Ley No. 26 del Regimen Electoral (2010)

Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2009)

Updated: June 2015

Article 14 states:

The State prohibits and will penalize all forms of discrimination founded in reasons of…disability…that have the goal or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on equal terms, of the rights of another person.


Article 70 states:

Every person with a disability enjoys the following rights: 

  • (a) To be protected by the family and by the state;
  • (b) To an education and free comprehensive healthcare;
  • (c) To communication in an alternative language;
  • (d) To work in adequate conditions, according to their ability, with just remuneration that ensures a dignified life;
  • (e) To the development of their individual potential.


Article 71 states:

(I) It will be prohibited and will be fined any type of discrimination, mistreatment, violence or exploitation of any person with disability.

(II) The State will adoption means of positive action to promote the effective integration of persons with disabilities in the productive, economic, political, social and cultural field, without any discrimination.

(III) The state will generate conditions that permit the development of the individual potentials of the people with disabilities.


Article 72 states:

The state will guarantee to people with disabilities the basic services of prevention and rehabilitation, as well as other benefits established under the law.


Article 107 states:

The means of social communication should be contributing to the promotion of ethical values, morals, and civics of the different cultures of the country, with the production and diffusion of educational program multilingual and in an alternative language for the disabled.


Article 300 states:

There are exclusive powers of the departmental autonomous government, in their jurisdiction:

  • (39) Promotion and development of projects and politics for youth and adolescents, women, older adults, and persons with disabilities.


Excerpts from the Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2009)