
Electoral Act (2006)

Updated: June 2015

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General right to vote


Section 5 states:

Subject to the provisions of section seven, every person shall be qualified for registration as a voter in direct elections who:

  • (a) is a citizen of Zambia;
  • (b) has attained the age of eighteen years; and
  • (c) is in possession of a national registration card.


Exclusion or potential exclusion based on disability


Section 7, subsection 1 states:

No person shall be qualified for registration as a voter, and no person shall be registered as a voter, who…

(d) under any law in force in Zambia is adjudged or otherwise declared to be of unsound mind…

(g) is not in possession of a national registration card.


Section 55, subsection 10 states:

An election officer may be dismissed by the Commission on account of–

  • (a) misconduct, incompetence or incapacity…


Candidacy or holding office


Section 55, subsection 10 states:

An election officer may be dismissed by the Commission on account of–

  • (a) misconduct, incompetence or incapacity…


Assistive tools and policies


Section 24, subsection 1 states:

The Commission shall allow a person to apply for a special vote if that person cannot vote at a polling station in the polling district in which that person is registered as a voter, due to that person’s:

  • (a) physical infirmity or disability or pregnancy…


Section 38 states:

The Commission shall determine the boundaries of a polling district by taking into account any factor within the proposed polling districts that could affect the free, fair and orderly conduct of elections, including:..

  • (c) the accessibility of a polling station to voters given:
    • (i) the radius of the proposed polling district;
    • (ii) the availability of transport;
    • (iii) telecommunications facilities; and
    • (iv) any geographical or physical feature that may impede access to the polling station…


Section 40, subsection 2 states:

When determining the location of a polling station, the Commission may take into account any factor that could affect the free, fair and orderly conduct of elections, including—…

  • (a) the number and distribution of eligible voters in those polling districts;
  • (b) the availability of suitable venues for polling stations;
  • (c) the distance to be travelled to reach those venues;
  • (d) access routes to those venues;
  • (e) the availability of transport to those venues…
  • (g) parking facilities at or near those venues;
  • (h) telecommunications facilities at those venues;
  • (i) general facilities at those venues;
  • (j) the safety and convenience of voters;
  • (k) any geographical or physical feature that may impede access to or at those venues…


Section 60, subsection 1 states:

The presiding officer or another election officer, at the request of a voter who is unable to read, shall assist that voter in voting in the presence of:

  • (a) a person appointed by or as an accredited observer or monitor, if available; or
  • (b) two election agents of different candidates, if available.


Section 60, subsection 2 states:

A person may assist a voter in voting if:

  • (a) the voter requires assistance due to a physical disability;
  • (b) the voter has requested to be assisted by that person; and
  • (c) the presiding officer is satisfied that, that person has attained the age of 18 years.


Excerpts from the Electoral Act (2006)