Article 7, paragraph 2 states:
The voters who exercise their right to vote by means of the special ballot box…shall be registered on another table.
Article 7(6), paragraph 2 states:
The representatives of political formations in the electoral bureau may be replaced at the request of those who nominated them, with the approval of the hierarchically superior electoral bureau, till the day before voting day, and in case of demise, illness or accident, even on voting day, with the observance of the conditions stipulated under Art. 7(7) – 7(14).
Article 19(6), paragraph 1 states:
For the voters in Romania who are unfit to be moved for reasons of illness or disablement, at the written request thereof, submitted on the eve of the voting at the latest, accompanied by copies of medical or other official documents certifying that the persons in question are unfit to be moved, the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station may approve that a team made up of at least two members of the electoral bureau goes with a special ballot box and the material required by the voting…Within the jurisdiction of a polling station there shall be used only one special ballot box…
Article 19(6), paragraph 1 states:
For the voters in Romania who are unfit to be moved for reasons of illness or disablement, at the written request thereof, submitted on the eve of the voting at the latest, accompanied by copies of medical or other official documents certifying that the persons in question are unfit to be moved, the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station may approve that a team made up of at least two members of the electoral bureau goes with a special ballot box and the material required by the voting…Within the jurisdiction of a polling station there shall be used only one special ballot box…
Article 7(6), paragraph 2 states:
The representatives of political formations in the electoral bureau may be replaced at the request of those who nominated them, with the approval of the hierarchically superior electoral bureau, till the day before voting day, and in case of demise, illness or accident, even on voting day, with the observance of the conditions stipulated under Art. 7(7) – 7(14).