Norfolk Island

Legislative Assembly Act

Updated: June 2015

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Section 6 states:

A person is entitled to enrolment if at the time of applying for enrolment the person — 

  • (a) is at least 18 years; and
  • (b) is an Australian citizen; and
  • (c) has been ordinarily resident in Norfolk Island for 6 months immediately before the application.


Excerpt from the Legislative Assembly Act (1970, amended 2007)

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Section 6, part 3A states:

A person who, by reason of being of unsound mind, is incapable of understanding the nature and significance of enrolment and voting, is not entitled to enrolment.


Section 47, part 3 states:

Subsection 47(2) does not require the Returning Officer to send a notice and form [of electors who did not vote] to an elector if the Returning Officer is satisfied that the elector — …

  • (d) by reason of being of unsound mind, was incapable of understanding the nature and significance of enrolment and voting…


Section 47, part 6 states:

If an elector is unable, by reason of absence from his place of living or physical incapacity, to complete, sign and post the form [for electors who did not vote] …some other elector who has personal knowledge of the facts may complete, sign in the presence of an authorised witness and post the form in accordance with that subsection and the completion, signing and posting of the form by that other elector  shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to be compliance by the first-mentioned elector with the provisions of that subsection.


Excerpts from the Legislative Assembly Act (1970, amended 2007)