
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

Macao has not yet signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Chief Executive Election Law (2004)

Updated: June 2015

Article 6, paragraph 3 states: 

Vacancies arising in the EACCE, due to resignations, death or physical or psychical incapacity of its members leading to impossible fulfillment of their duties, are filled by persons approved in a dispatch by the Chief Executive, according to paragraph 1 of article 2.


Article 27, paragraph 2 states: 

An illness which is proved by a certification issued by a medical doctor of the Health Bureau of the MSAR shall be a justified case of incapability to exercise the functions; any case shall be reported to the EACCE no later than the day next to the day the documental proof is obtained.


Article 30, paragraph 1 states: 

The members of the Election Committee shall exercise their functions, except when the failure to exercise them is justified by reasons accepted by the EACCE, namely:

  • (1) Illness, proved by a certificate issued by a medical doctor of the Health Bureau, that makes voting impossible in the date of poll on the election of the Chief Executive, the case of which shall be reported to the EACCE no later than the day next to the day the documental proof is obtained…


Article 35 states:

The person nominated as a candidate at the Election of the Chief Executive must comply with the following requirements and capabilities:…

  • (6) Being enrolled in the electoral register and not being in any situation of electoral incapability.


Excerpts from the Chief Executive Election Law (2004)