Article 3.1.2 states:
“Eligible voting citizen” means a citizen who has attained the age of eighteen and has the full legal capability set forth in Article 15.1 of the Civil Law…
Article 6 states:
…6.4. A citizen whose legal incapability is proven by a court decision or who is serving imprisonment shall not exercise the right to participate in an election. 6.5. “Proof of the legal incapability by a court decision” shall be construed as proof of the citizen’s legal capability given by a court of law as per the procedures set forth in Article 18.2 of the Civil Law and Articles 141-143 of the Civil Procedure Law…
Article 18.3 states:
A unit committee shall exercise the following powers….18.3.3. To notify a corresponding state registration office provided that a citizen whose legal incapability is proven by a court decision or who is serving imprisonment registers with the electoral roll…
Article 41.8 states:
A polling station shall have at least two voting booths that enable voters to vote freely and by secret ballot depending on the number of voters in the unit and at least one voting booth for the disabled shall be equipped and set up in each polling station.