British Virgin Islands

Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

British Virgin Islands has not yet signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

British Virgin Islands Constitution Order (2007)

Updated: June 2015

Article 9 states:

Whereas every person in the Virgin Islands is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual; Whereas those fundamental rights and freedoms are enjoyed without distinction of any kind, such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, association with a national minority, property, family relations, economic status, disability, age, birth, sexual orientation, marital or other status, subject only to prescribed limitations…


Article 68, section 1 states:

Subject to subsection (3), a person shall be qualified to be registered as a voter for the purposes of elections if, and shall not be so qualified unless, he or she belongs to the Virgin Islands and on the qualifying date has attained the age of eighteen years…


Article 68, section 3 states:

No person shall be qualified to be registered as a voter under this section who on the qualifying date...

  • (a) is a person certified to be insane or otherwise adjudged to be of unsound mind under any law in force in the Virgin Islands.


Excerpts from the British Virgin Islands Constitution Order (2007)