El Salvador

Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

14 December 2007

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Electoral Code (1992, last amended 2012)

Updated: June 2015

Article 7 states:

Those who are incapable of exercising suffrage…

  • (2) The mentally insane.


Excerpt from the Electoral Code (1992, last amended 2012)

Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador (1983, last 2003)

Updated: June 2015

Article 131 states:

It corresponds to the Legislative Assembly:…

(4th)—To call on alternate Deputies in the case of death, resignation, nullification of election, temporary leave, or the inability of the members (propietarios) to attend;…

(20th)—To declare, with no less than two-thirds of the votes of the elected Deputies, the physical or mental incapacity of the President, Vice President of the Republic and of functionaries elected by the Assembly for the exercise of their posts, after the unanimous judgment of a Commission of five physicians named by the Assembly…


Article 151 states:

To be elected President of the Republic it is required:…to be in the exercise of the rights of citizenship…


Article 155 states:

In default of the President of the Republic, due to death, resignation, removal or other cause, the Vice President shall substitute him; lacking the latter, one of the Designates in the order of their nomination, and if all these are lacking for any legal cause, the Assembly shall designate the person who shall substitute him. If the cause that incapacitates the President for the exercise of his position endures for more than six months, the person who substitutes him in conformance with the preceding paragraph, shall complete the presidential period. If the incapacity of the President is temporary, his substitute shall exercise the position only while this lasts.


Article 160 states:

To be a Minister or Vice Minister of State it is required…to be in the exercise of the rights of citizenship…


Article 176 states:

To be a Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, it is required:…to be in the enjoyment of the rights of citizenship…


Article 177 states:

To be a Magistrate of the Chambers of Second Instance, it is required:…to be in the enjoyment of the rights of citizenship…


Article 179 states:

To be a Judge of First Instance, it is required:…to be in exercise of the rights of citizenship…


Article 180 states:

The minimum requirements to be a Justice of Peace are:…to be in the enjoyment of the rights of citizenship…


Article 198 states:
The President and Magistrates of the Court of Accounts must…be in the exercise of their rights of citizenship…


Article 201 states:

To be a Governor it is required:…to be in exercise of the rights of citizenship…


Excerpts from the Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador (1983, last amended 2003)