
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

21 September 2010

Signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan (2008)

Updated: June 2015

Article 356 states:

The Presiding Officer shall direct the number of voters to be admitted at any one time inside the polling station, and exclude there-from all persons other than:...

(c) A person accompanying a blind or infirm voter who cannot move without help...


Article 358 states:

The Presiding Officer shall permit a physically challenged voter to take with him/her a companion to the voting compartment for recording the vote on the ballot paper or on the voting machine, if he/she is satisfied that owing to his/her physical infirmity, a voter is unable to recognise the symbols on the ballot paper or to make a mark thereon or to record his/her vote in the voting machine, without assistance. Provided that no person shall be permitted to act as the companion of more than one voter at any polling station for a particular election.


Article 359 states:

Any person before he/she is permitted to act as the companion shall be required to declare that he/she is not less than eighteen years of age, he/she will keep the vote recorded by him/her on behalf of the voter a secret and he/she has not already acted as the companion of any other voter at any polling station for a particular election.


Article 360 states:

The Presiding Officer shall keep the record of the voters and their companion in a form prescribed for this purpose.


Excerpts from the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan (2008)

Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan (2008)

Updated: June 2015

Article 7, section 15 states:

All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to equal and effective protection of the law and shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, sex, language, religion, politics or other status.


Article 10, section 25 states:

Except for existing International Conventions, Covenants, Treaties, Protocols and Agreements entered into by Bhutan, which shall continue in force subject to section 10 of Article 1, all International Conventions, Covenants, Treaties, Protocols and Agreements duly acceded to by the Government hereafter, shall be deemed to be the law of the Kingdom only upon ratification by Parliament unless it is inconsistent with this Constitution.


Excerpts from the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan (2008)