Viet Nam

Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

05 February 2015

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Law on the Election of the Deputies to the National Assembly (1997, last amended 2012)

Updated: June 2015

Article 12 states:

A hospital, maternity house, sanitarium or nursing home for handicapped people or the elderly with fifty or more voters may set up its own electorate.


Article 59 states:

Any voter who is unable to write his/her ballot may ask another person to do that for him/her but must cast the ballot by himself/herself; the person who helps in writing the ballot must keep secret the voter’s ballot; if, due to his/her disability, the voter is unable to cast ballot by himself/herself, he/she can ask another person to cast the ballot into the ballot box. In cases where a voter is ill, old or disabled, being unable to go to the polling station, the Election Team shall bring an auxiliary ballot box and the ballot to his/her residence so that he/she can receive the ballot and cast it.

Excerpts from the Law on the Election of the Deputies to the National Assembly (1997, last amended 2010)