
Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

26 July 2012

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Regulation on Polling and Counting

Updated: June 2015

Article 5 states:

…(2) A voter who is illiterate or physically handicapped may be assisted by a registered voter as provided by Section 5.8 of the Elections Law.

(3) No one may assist more than one illiterate or physically handicapped voter in an election.

(4) If more than one election is being held on the same day, a registered voter may assist an illiterate or physically handicapped voter for all of the elections held that day.


Article 10, paragraph 1 states:

No person with a finger that appears to have been marked with ink for the election may enter a voting precinct or polling place, except to assist an illiterate or disabled voter.


Excerpts from the Regulation on Polling and Counting (2011)

The New Elections Law (1986, last amended 2004)

Updated: June 2015

Section 1.6 states:

Any person required by this title to sign his name may, upon satisfying an attesting witness that he is unable to write, make a mark of the right thumb which shall be witnessed by the attesting witness.


Section 3.2(b) states:

Registration officers shall give preference to persons with disabilities at registration centers.


Section 3.2(c) states:

The location and arrangement of the registration centers shall, to the extent which is reasonably and practicably possible, be accessible to persons with disabilities.


Section 4.2 states:

…(1)(b) Polling officers shall give preference to persons with disabilities at the polling places. (1)(c) The location and arrangement of the Polling Places shall, to the extent which is reasonably and practicably possible, be accessible to persons with disabilities…


Section 5.8 states:

A voter who is unlettered or incapacitated may request the assistance of a person of his/her choice to mark his/her ballot in secret, provided that the person giving assistance shall be a registered voter. The Clerk shall enter on the register opposite the name of the assisted voter, the reason of such assistance. The one assisting the voter shall retire with him/her in an unoccupied compartment and, at the direction of the voter, help in preparation and marking of his/her ballot paper and return the ballot paper properly folded for deposit in the ballot box.


Excerpts from the New Elections Law (1986, last amended 2004)

Voting Registration Regulations (2005)

Updated: June 2015

Section 7, subsection 1 states:

The Commission may establish registration centers wherever it deems necessary that are accessible to all, especially those with disabilities are free from intimidation and located in politically neutral areas.


Excerpt from the Voter Registration Regulations (2005)