United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates Constitution (1971, last amended 2009)

Updated: June 2015

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Article 69 states:

An Emirate is free to determine the method of selection of its representatives in the FNC.


Excerpt from the United Arab Constitution (1971, last amended 2009)

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Article 53 states:

Where the office of the President or the Vice President falls vacant for death or resignation, or because any one of them ceases to be the Ruler in his Emirate for any reason, the Supreme Council is called into session within a month from that date to elect a successor to the vacant office…


Article 64 states:

…Where the Prime Minister resigns, is removed from office, or is dead or where his office falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, the whole Cabinet is deemed resigned…


Article 70 states:

For a person to be a member of the FNC, that person must: …

  • (3) Has civil capacity, is known for good manners and reputation, and has not previously been convicted of an offence against honor unless he has been rehabilitated in accordance with the law.
  • (4) Has adequate knowledge of reading and writing.


Article 74 states:

If, for any reason, a seat of a member of the FNC falls vacant before the end of the term of his membership, a substitute shall be selected within two months from the date the vacancy is announced by the FNC…


Article 97 states:

The Chief Justice and the judges of the Federal Supreme Court may not be removed from office while they administer justice. Their tenure of office may not be terminated except for one of the following reasons: …

  • (5) Proved disability to perform their duties for health reasons.


Article 107 states:

The members of the committee are selected from citizens known for their wise judgment and efficiency.


Excerpts from the United Arab Constitution (1971, last amended 2009)

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Article 14 states:

Equality, social justice, and providing safety, security, and equal opportunities to all the citizens are pillars on which the community is grounded. Solidarity and shared sympathies are close links that tie the Emirates together.


Article 16 states:

The community shall care for children and mothers, and protect minors and others who are unable to look after themselves for any reason, such as illness or incapacity or old age or forced unemployment, assist and rehabilitate them for their own interest and for the interest of the community. Welfare and social security laws regulate these matters.


Excerpts from the United Arab Constitution (1971, last amended 2009)

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Article 53 states:

Where the office of the President or the Vice President falls vacant for death or resignation, or because any one of them ceases to be the Ruler in his Emirate for any reason, the Supreme Council is called into session within a month from that date to elect a successor to the vacant office…


Article 64 states:

…Where the Prime Minister resigns, is removed from office, or is dead or where his office falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, the whole Cabinet is deemed resigned…


Article 70 states:

For a person to be a member of the FNC, that person must: …

  • (3) Has civil capacity, is known for good manners and reputation, and has not previously been convicted of an offence against honor unless he has been rehabilitated in accordance with the law.
  • (4) Has adequate knowledge of reading and writing.


Article 74 states:

If, for any reason, a seat of a member of the FNC falls vacant before the end of the term of his membership, a substitute shall be selected within two months from the date the vacancy is announced by the FNC…


Article 97 states:

The Chief Justice and the judges of the Federal Supreme Court may not be removed from office while they administer justice. Their tenure of office may not be terminated except for one of the following reasons: …

  • (5) Proved disability to perform their duties for health reasons.


Article 107 states:

The members of the committee are selected from citizens known for their wise judgment and efficiency.


Excerpts from the United Arab Constitution (1971, last amended 2009)